HSQ Technology News

Important Information Regarding HP Itanium End-of-Life

Customer Inquiries:

  1. What is the HSQ plan for continued support of Hosts and workstations given the discontinuation of Itanium CPUs?
  2. What does this hardware news mean for OpenVMS, which is `necessary to run MISER?
  3. What does this mean for MISER and the SCADA system, as far as end-of-life, and how long can it be maintained?
  4. What plans are there to transition to another platform?

HSQ Migration Plan:

HSQ shall be using the HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 server. By the end of 2022, VSI Software shall have a new version of VMS, 9.2 (currently the version is 8.4-2L3), that will run on x86 platforms. HSQ will port MISER to this version of VMS software and the new HP server hardware.
With this current plan to migrate to the new x86 platform, HSQ shall continue to market, supply, and support MISER SCADA systems.

Current workstations can be replaced with standard Dell PCs running MISER. Workstations are not an issue for upgrade and/or replacement with new hardware; MISER workstations can utilize any manufacturer’s current PC.

We are also currently developing new PLC RTU-I/O cards that will be more in line with industry standards – DIN rail mounted and significantly smaller in size, as well as more cost effective.

Anytime you wish to have a conference call meeting to discuss this further, we are here to accommodate your requests.